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***Ipod Inquiry***

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Old 09-04-2007, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Vivid
Here, this might get you a quicker response than waiting on Apple's phonelines.

Apple Store
15900 La Cantera Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78256
(210) 558-0745

Store Hours
Mon - Sat : 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sun: Noon to 6:00 p.m.
already talked to Melissa over there...she would "call me back"
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:43 AM
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Dude, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You've done a lot more already than most people would in trying to return it, and like others said about the lost and found... well, it's not always the best of services.

Besides, if the iPod really mattered to the person, and I mean really mattered, would they have left it in the bathroom? Sure, stuff happens, people forget, but maybe it will teach the person to pay more attention, and many people should really learn how to do that.

Some people will call you a thief, dishonest, or what-have-you, but in the end, the majority would have done the same damn thing without trying to return it. Let those without sin cast the first stone (And I'm not even Christian )
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Old 09-04-2007, 03:44 PM
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Before I posted my comment you made two posts which I'll quote below.

1st post:

"I know i have been full of questions today...which is better than being full of something else. Some of you know i went to pick up my wheels today and 150 miles from home i found an ipod in the bathroom...i know kinda gross, but it was okay. its a 30GB and it has 2005 on the back. other than a charger and Ipod USB data cable...what and how do i use one? even if it wasnt originally mine how do i get music onto it?"

2nd post

"well i called apple and was on hold for 30 minutes and then transferred to another department where i was gonna be on hold for an hour. doesnt seem like its easy to return the dang thing."

In your first post you didn't mention anything about trying to find the original owner... you simply wanted to know how to use your new ipod... your own words were "if it wasnt originally mine how do i get music onto it?" It seemed clear to me that the ipod now belonged to you. Did I misinterpret your words or did you mean something other than what your own words conveyed?

Your second post only mentioned how difficult it had been for you to do the right thing. The message I read was that 30 minutes was enough of your time... and that because you had made a 30 minute attempt... you were now going to consider the ipod yours. Again... did I misinterpret the meaning of your words?

In my opinion there were three right options for you when you found the ipod.

Option 1. You could have left it there in case the owner came back for it. Risky... because someone else might have stolen it... if you didn't "pick it up" when you did.

Option 2. Turn it over to the local police department. I'm not sure if you know this or not... but most police agencies will let the finder keep the item after a certain period of time has passed.

Option 3. The ipod could have been turned into the Property Management Office of the mall that contained the Bass Pro Shop. I guarantee you... from my computer in Central New York I could easily locate their phone number within five or ten minutes. That would be the first place a police agency would call if they were trying to track down a lost item for someone. It's also where Bass Pro or any other store in the mall would direct someone looking for a lost piece of personal property. Every mall in America has a management office.

While I'm thinking about it... after I posted my comment... you made a third post and ended with this line "so if you don’t read the whole thread you can STFU" I assumed that the "STFU" comment was directed at me... but in your 5th post you said that you had just discovered my original comment. Who did you direct the "STFU" response at?
For those of you who haven't been able to figure out "STFU"... I believe it to mean "SHUT THE ____ UP".

I agree with another member... that's pretty rude... but after trying to follow your line of thinking... I'm sure that you've had similar disagreements with other people like myself.

My original question still stands to you Sir... if I had to leave my HHR outside of the bathroom with the keys in it... would you take my car home with you and then consider it yours after being on hold with General Motors for thirty minutes?

If the car example doesn't work... then the ipod example doesn't work either.

You Sir... choose the wrong option. If this site allows me to filter out your future posts... then I will choose that option. If not... I'll simply hold my tongue the next time you write about finding another "keeper" on the men's room floor.

To everyone else who is following this thread:

Without calling Quest immoral or unethical in my original comment... I tried to point out that keeping someone else's property is a very edgy thing to do. We are all strangers in a public forum... and Quest admitted in this public forum to picking up property that wasn't his and then taking it home as his own. He also asked our help in getting it to work. Asking our help, crossed a line that I had to respond to. Simply put... reading about someone using another’s property that cost hundred of dollars and that was purchased through someone else’s hard work... was not something I could witness and remain silent on.

Standing by and not saying anything when someone does something wrong is called collusion.

If I have offended anyone other than Quest by my comments... I apologize.

I think I've made my point... and I can live quite easily being described as a judgmental jerk!


P.S. If any of you happen to lose your Ipod while I'm around... call the owner of the property where you lost it... that's where I'll return it too. I will even hang a sign with my phone number on the wall where you lost it... and gladly field hundreds of phone calls until yours made it through. In my world... if I pick up something of yours... I am now responsible for it like it was mine until it's returned back to you.
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:01 PM
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If you look at my previous post, you'll see I don't agree with you on the topic, but even so, I have to commend you Walker on your last post of this thread. It was to the point without being rude or any other negative behavior, and IF that STFU was directed at you (which could easily be taken as such), I have no idea how you stay that calm...

Anyway, I just read that and figured I'd say this.. Your response to Quest was what I call constructive arguing, which is a dispute without polluting your side of the conversation with obtuse, obscene, and unnecessary language or behavior.. And it is the right way, IMO, to settle most things...
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by walker63
If I have offended anyone other than Quest by my comments... I apologize.
I find your post very refreshing to read. And no offence here.
Thank You for wording your post in this manner.
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Old 09-04-2007, 04:38 PM
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In this day and age of free for alls I can see both sides, I think Quest was making an attempt to return the item to its owner. I think that Quest may have been hopeful there was a cool new toy to be had if that owner was never found. I to believe one should make an honest effort to return lost items of this dollar amount to its rightful owner. I don't believe the option of leaving it where it lies is always the best option, and I don't believe anyone should jump to conclusions as to someone’s true intentions even if they do seem to be less then what we would do ourselves. I feel the limit was pushed on the use of STFU we are all adults and know what was meant, there is no place for this use on this site IMO. I think both sides should accept that they were off base a bit and put this to rest, maybe even a sorry would be in order for harsh assumptions leading to the return of popping off. We all think a bit backwards at times and I would hope none of us feel we are perfect. Finding something left behind and picking it up should in my opinion not be construed as theft nor compared to finding a car running with the keys in the ignition as something lost. We need not be so fast to judge and if we are judged maybe we need to reread what brought on such a judgment before back lashing. This is a wonderful forum with a lot of great members and we have a common interest. But we are individuals and do not share all the same ideas, we do have a right to our opinions but we must respect everyone who enjoys using the site.
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Old 09-04-2007, 06:03 PM
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keep it.. its urs now

u DO NOT NEED ITUNES to put music onto an ipod...

you can use a certain version of winamp and a couple of plug-ins and works just as well...and it wouldbe winamp 5.1 ...
besides you can erase all nonsence the orig owner had on there...

theres a thing on winamp that will let u format it, even on the apple site it has an ipod updater which will erase your ipod...

and now its yours to do with as you please....

i dunno.. there is a moral issue... but to me if someone is irresponsible enough to leave $400 on the ground then yea its his fault, same with an ipod...who can you trust nowadays? no one thats who...
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:11 PM
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nicely stated EL REY
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Old 09-04-2007, 09:03 PM
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i threw it off a bridge!
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Old 09-04-2007, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by quest51210
i threw it off a bridge!

I have to admit... not only did that line make me laugh...

but it also caused me to offer up one final word...

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